Top 4 Challenges Non-Profits Face
About 46% of non-profits can’t find the funding they need to support their staff in carrying out the organization’s mission. Most non-profits seek ways to attract funds without selling a product or service, which can lead to serious budget problems.
Many non-profits fail to think of themselves as businesses. Since a non-profit budget is tighter than that of a for-profit business, these organizations must be especially strategic in their business planning techniques
Non-profits need to lead their marketing messages with emotion. The problem is they don’t often have the funding to allow for quality marketing solutions, like digital advertising and social media. Unfortunately, most donors responding to print campaigns are over 55 years old, which means that using print-only methods is cutting out a huge demographic.
Non-profits have a unique advantage over standard companies, because they can foster employee engagement around the mission of the organization. Yet, they still need to offer compensation — an area where they often struggle to live up to the private sector.